TechBubbles Microsoft Technology BLOG


Performance Tricks to Metro Style Web Applications

  What is web performance? It is actually when does the user perform an action it self and when does those results occur on the screen. The three key factors to web performance is Network, CPU and Memory. The web developer has to think about the above three element to improve the performance of a web application. You can measure your web site performance using windows performance toolkit...

WebSockets in ASP.NET 4.5

  This post discuss about using WebSockets in ASP.NET 4.5. You can read this post to get an understanding about WebSockets. This post shows piece of code which uses WebSockets in ASP.NET 4.5 and the code is related to simple chat application. The HTML of Web Form chat application looks as below   It contains a text box where you can type your text message and button where it sends a...

Calling ASP.NET AJAX Modal Window from JavaScript

  This post discusses about calling AJAX model window from JavaScript. The scenario is checking the UI controls in page and alerting the user if he is leaving the page without saving the data. This shows confirmation window with yes and no buttons. The Form body code looks as below 1: <body id="Body"> 2: <form name="Form" method="post"...

Optimizing the website Performance using ASP.NET 4.5

There are so many different ways you can optimize your website performance. You may think why we need to worry about website performance when internet connection speed is growing faster and faster. Just few examples: Google did a test, if their search page is 500ms slower then they are going to lose 20% their traffic. If Amazon runs 100ms slower then there is 1% drop in their sales which is...

Creating Data-driven web apps using ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms

  Data binding is simpler and more powerful in ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms.This post discuss about creating Data-driven application using ASP.NET 4.5 preview. It also discuss about different Data access methods, particularly about model access binding features in Web Forms. You need to install Visual Studio 11 Developer preview to use this feature. You can read this post for links to download etc...

Web Standards Update for Visual Studio 2010 Editor

  Web Standards Update for Visual Studio 2010 SP1, which provides HTML5 and CSS3 support. Microsoft team said Visual Studio next version have better support for HTML5. This update gives you HTML5 Intellisense and fixes some bugs in SP1 support for HTML5. CSS3 intellisense on latest specification from W3C. Download Web Standards Update for Visual Studio 2010 Editor Please note this is not an...

Deploying Database with ASP.NET Web application

  Web applications can be deployed in two different ways one by using one-click publish or by using a Web deployment package. Usually we may want to deploy our database scripts that we used along with the application deployment. This post discusses the procedures to deploy the database along with web application in Visual Studio 2010. Assume there is no database exist in destination and...


Dear Readers, I have come up with a new BLOG DotnetSizzler that serves as a center that offers my services and is a platform for discussion and sharing of Tips & Tricks, Design Principles, Best practices, updates and techniques pertaining to Microsoft Technologies. Major Stress will be on code snippets on .NET Technologies. I am to share the projects that I have lead and wish to continue as a...

WebForms Routing in ASP.NET 4

This post explains about WebForms routing features available in ASP.NET 4. Routing feature originally designed for ASP.NET MVC and now available for Webforms as well. You need to install Visual Studio 2010 ultimate beta2 to try the routing features in ASP.NET 4.
1. Create a ASP.NET Web Application in Visual Studio 2010 as follows

TechBubbles Microsoft Technology BLOG

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