TechBubbles Microsoft Technology BLOG


AngularJS Controllers overview

What is a Controller in Angular world? Controller is a set of JavaScript functions bound to a scope. ng-controller directive tells the Angular to instantiate the new controller object and injects the new scope as a dependency. It contains the business logic for your view. The best practice is not to use controllers to manipulate the DOMs. When you create controller in AngularJS, you may need to...

AngularJS basics overview

What is AngularJS? AngularJS is a front-end JavaScript Framework for creating web applications. It is a declarative programming language. The first question is why should I use this for web application development when MVC is already there? The reason behind using AngularJS on front-end is if you are developing large scale applications then it gives you structure and put things in specific places...

Misconceptions about Microsoft Cloud

This post outlines some of the misconceptions around cloud computing and also lists the facts and what you need to know about cloud computing. Cloud changes the way that we do our business and when change happens to organization and individuals sometimes there is some uncertainty there. The challenge is “Cloud” is often misunderstood by many customers. When it first comes around year 2010 the...

Invoking Web API using JQuery

HTTP can be used for building the ASP.NET Web APIs that exposes your data and business services. HTTP is simple platform that can reach broad range of clients varying from desktop applications to mobile devices. What is ASP.NET Web API? ASP.NET API is a framework for building the RESTful services on top of the .NET Framework. This post outlines the steps to create a web API project in visual...

Using Tasklist window in Visual Studio

Most of the time developers work on multiple tasks or code files, it is hard to keep track of what is complete or go back and update in a particular class file. Tasklist feature definitely makes developers more productive. You can bring the Tasklist in visual studio by clicking view menu and click Tasklist option Tasklist is literally a todolist; things that you want to remember to do later, you...

Publishing a website to cloud using Visual Studio

This post outlines the steps involved in publishing a websites to Windows Azure sites (Microsoft cloud).Create a new website in visual studio 2013 and right click on the website and say publish web site You will get different options in publishing web window; one of them is Microsoft Azure Websites When you click the Microsoft Azure Websites option then you will be prompted to enter login...

ASP.NET 5 main goals overview

The main goals of developing ASP.NET 5 are as follows .NET 4.6 which is a big framework also called desktop CLR. The Core 5 CLR is a subset of desktop CLR. It does not contain Win forms, WCF, workflow or WPF. Development is made much faster by killing the compilation step, when you save the changes in VS editor it then automatically compiles the file you just need to refresh your browser to see...

C# 6.0 Features overview

This post outlines the new features that are added to the C# new version 6.0. Enhancement to Auto Properties:  currently auto properties are needed to have setters. This puts disadvantage to immutable data types. Now C# 6 allows only getters on auto properties.C# 6 also   allows initializers to auto properties as shown in the following picture     Using Static classes – Now you...

Windows Azure API Management Features

  You build the web API and decided to sell number of API calls like selling the data behind it, another example is you partners may want to integrate your product into their environment.Microsoft making easy way using Azure API management to discover, use and manage easy way to access resources. Azure Web API has got inbuilt Analytics engine. You can create an instance of API management in...

Bootstrap components for building responsive UI

Visual Studio 2013 automatically uses the boot strap as default template. How to customize the template generation. This applies for MVC developers and Web form developers. Boot strap is open source and it is just html, java script and css. Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS and JS Framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. Solves basic tasks example – page...

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