TechBubbles Microsoft Technology BLOG

Category.NET Framework

GAC in .NET Framework

The Global Assembly Cache known as the GAC is to enable sharing of assemblies across several managed applications installed on a machine. All managed developers can install assemblies to the GAC and share them across applications. When to Use the GAC When should an assembly be installed in the GAC as opposed to assembly in application base? If you have any assembly that must be shared across...

Assembly binding in .NET Framework

The CLR is responsible for locating and binding the assemblies in the code. In Order to work assembly binding efficiently you need to follow some best practices. Assembly Naming  Always use fully specified assembly names. An assembly name is a name given to unique identity. Two assemblies representing the same identity can have the same name with different versions. Assemblies are mostly...

Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 and .NET FW 4.0 Beta 1 Released!

Yesterday Visual Studio 2010 Beta1 and .NET FW 4.0 Beta 1 was released and you can download it from here. Download Beta 1.
More about Highlights in VS 2010 Beta1 can found in Jason Blog.
Enhancements in ASP.NET and discussions on latest version here
Feedback, Questions related to VS  2010 can be found here

Next posts I am going to discuss more on the highlights in VS 2010

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Features

Introduction Visual Studio 2008 service pack 1(SP1) and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 offers the developers to develop rapid,responsiveness and stable applications. It allows the developers to develop applications that optimized for windows vista, SQL server, MS 2007 office system and the web. Features Overview WPF Designers SQL Server 2008 support ADO.NET Entity Designer TFS enhancements Performance...

WCF Sample in Visual studio 2008

Introduction This post explains the procedure to develop the sample WCF Service and WCF Client  in Visual studio 2008. Get an overview on WCF and WCF Terms. 1. Start open  Visual studio 2008, Select new project option from file menu 2. Select the WCF ServiceApplication template from the project templates. 3. WCF Service describes the operations that perform in a service contract. 4...

Overview of .NET Remoting

Introduction This post provides you the overview of .NET Remoting Framework. It allows the objects to interact with one another across the application domains. Features Communication channels for transporting messages across applications Formatters are used for encoding and decoding the messages. supported formatters are...

Remoting in .NET Framework 2.0

Introduction Remoting is  distributed application technology built in the Framework 2.0 with new features which allows the developer to build wide range of distributed applications. Overview of Remoting. Introduced some new features in Remoting in .NET FW 20. The applications are now more secured and performanent. Enhancement in the Channel infrastructure: The new channel IPC is introduced...

Service Model Metadata Utility Tool

The Service Model Metadata Utility Tool is used to generate service model code from metadata documents. The following command generates client code from a running service or online  metadata documents. svcutil The following command generates client code from local metadata documents. svcutil *.wsdl *.xsd /language:c# The following command downloads metadata documents from running services...

WCF Terms

The following are the terms used in WCF Message A message contains data which consist of body and headers. Service A service is a construct which exposes one or more endpoints. Each endpoint exposing one or more service operations. Endpoint Endpoint contains a location (an address) that defines where messages can be sent, a specification of communication mechanism(a binding) that describes how...

Windows Communication Foundation

Introduction WCF provides a common platform for all .NET communication between the applications.Using WCF we can develop ASMX, Remoting and COM+ Applications.It allows the developers to work distributed applications. WCF is a runtime and contains set of API’s for creating applications that send messages between services and clients. Messages and Endpoints WCF based on message-based...

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