The typical web page in the application includes references to JavaScript and CSS files and images. It is hard to debug the page without a tool to find a certain piece of HTML where it is coming from. The Page Inspector is a debugging tool that runs inside Visual Studio and it comes with the Visual Studio. This post explains the Page Inspector features and outlines how to use it inside Visual...
ASP.NET MVC 4 Application Templates explained
When you create a new MVC 4 project in Visual Studio 2012, you will be presented with different option as shown in the below picture, Each project template sets up different folders in your application. This post explains the each project template purpose Empty Template The new Empty Template has got assemblies, web.config and basic folder structure. No default page, you have to add everything...
ASP.NET MVC Release History
ASP.NET MVC is a framework for developing web applications and first version was released on year 2009. Thanks to ScootGu who introduced this framework for ASP.NET Web Development. If you wonder why Microsoft released another framework when there is Web Forms then read this post. This post outlines the ASP.NET MVC release history and their features. ASP.NET MVC 1 ASP.NET MVC 1 was released on...
Why use Windows 8 Applications in Enterprise
In traditional Windows operating systems you have icons on your desk-top and it tells what you can do, no other information other than the short cuts that you put on your desktop. It is valuable but it is not information, Start screen in Windows 8 has tails and pictures.Each of these tails represent an APP that you can launch.Notice these tails gives you the live information. For example Mail App...
Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 Announced
As promised Microsoft announcing periodic updates to Visual Studio 2012, As part of this few months back Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 has released features and download link can be found here. Few hours ago they have announced Update 2 which can be downloaded from here. This post out lines the features in this update. The main feature in this release are Agile Planning , quality enablement , line...
ASP.NET Profiles overview
ASP.NET Profiles feature allows the users to personalize their content on the web site. Profiles can be used in different scenarios like when you visit the news web site or sports website then you can allow the user to choose their favourite categories and then you can store them in a profile to show the pages based on their preferences. Using ASP.NET Profiles you can keep the user details such...
Unit testing improvements in Visual Studio 2012 Update2
This post explains the features that have been introduced for unit testing in Visual Studio 2012 update 1 and 2. Visual Studio 2012 update 1 and 2 introduced many new features for testing which can be read here. New features grouping and filtering tests by project, by trait or by class enables testers to work with lots of tests easier. Now developers can group their tests in test explorer...
Testing Features added in Visual Studio 2012 Update 2
This post explains the enhanced testing features that were introduced with Visual Studio 2012 update 2. In Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) has been updated with new features enabling manual testers more productive and efficient. The new feature Test Management and execution from light-weight browser based environment. This web based test management features enables manual...
Using Promises in JavaScript
Promises in JavaScript gives you great power of asynchronicity while you are creating Windows 8 Apps or Web Applications. Promises gives you the ability to call something without blocking your UI thread. Instead of waiting for a call to return something, let that function fire when it complete. In this way you can continue the execution for the user. You are definitely need to know and use...
Basic DOM Interactions
This post outlines the basic DOM (Document Object Model) interactions such as Querying the DOM, Manipulating the DOM and responding to the events. Querying the DOM getElementById getElementsByTagName querySelector querySelectorAll Example: var x = document.getElementById("anyID"); //or var x = document.querySelector("#anyID"); querySelector returns the first matched item, where as...